
If you choose to expand your family through adoption, you will have a unique set of questions and challenges. The Adoption Benefit offered by Notre Dame provides financial support to assist families with adoption-related expenses. Additionally, the websites and organizations below can be a source of support with some aspects of the adoption process.

Notre Dame Adoption Benefit

Changing Benefit Elections for a Qualifying Event

Employee Assistance Program (CareBridge) - CareBridge provides specialized guidance on adoption through their work life assistance program.


This image shows how FMLA runs concurrently with parental leave for a staff adoption.

This image shows how FMLA runs concurrently with parental leave for a staff adoption.




Postadoption Depression and Sleep Issues

Emotional Well-Being

  • Notre Dame Wellness Center - Benefit-eligible faculty, staff, and their eligible dependents can utilize the Notre Dame Wellness Center for emotional well-being services and wellness coaching, in addition to medical needs.
  • Employee Assistance Program (CareBridge) - CareBridge provides assistance to employees in dealing with a variety of personal and family challenges to support their overall wellbeing.

Adoptive Parenting Resources and Support